: ESG : Ethical Management
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Customer Value Management

As a company,
SEMES strives to operate on a standard
of fairness and transaparency.

Our managment philosophy is to make impactful contributions to society
by bringing together ideal talent and exceptional technologies
to create unmatched products and services.

To maintain transparency, we have disclosed our Code of Conduct ("Principles of management")
to external stakeholders, including business partners and customers as well as employees.
In addition, SEMES also manages a reporting channel through our ethical management site
in which violations can be reported.

SEMES Vows to Uphold
the Following
Five Managment Principles:
  • 1. We abide by laws and ethics

    We respect the dignity and diversity of individuals.

    We compete fairly by complying with the law and business ethics.

    We keep accounting transparent through accurate accounting records.

    We stay neutral without intervening in politics.

  • 2. We maintain upright organizational culture

    We strictly distinguish and separate puublic and private affairs in all business activities.

    We protect and respect the intellectual property of the company and others.

    We aim to create a healthy work environment.

  • 3. We pay respect to our customers, shareholders, and employees

    We hold our customer's satisfaction to the highest priority

    We place importance on the value of shareholders.

    We strive to improve the “quality of life” of our employees.

  • 4. We value the environment, safety, and health

    We seek environmentally-friendly management.

    We consider human safety and health to be significant matters.

  • 5. We fulfill our social responsibilities as a global company

    We practice corporate citizenship

    We respect characteristics of local society and culture and translate put win-win growth into practice.

    We build a relationship of mutual prosperity with business partners.