Other News

'2022 ESG Support for Partners Project' agreement notification



?SEMES signed an '2022 ESG Support for Partners Project' agreement with Korea Commission

for Corporate Partnership on August 3rd

This agreement is meaningful in that it is the first agreement that the equipment industry participated

in the ESG Support for Partners Project which KCCP is currently promoting.

This year, SEMES has elevated its Corporate Partnership Group to the Partner Collaboration Team,

formed an ESG Task Force, and is promoting full-fl?edged ESG support for its partners.

Through this agreement, SEMES will be donating collaboration funds to enhance ESG capabilities of its partners.

Participating partners will be given incentives such as priority in this project?and will be getting extra points when being evaluated.

"By developing customized ESG evaluation indicators based on each business type of partners,?we are planning to?provide

?professional ESG support such as education, competency assessment and consulting.?Through this project,

?we hope partners of SEMES to enhance their ESG managing capabilities?and we look forward to discovering

?an excellent case of ESG shared growth.”the KCCP said.